Monday, April 9, 2012

Cosplay 2012

I have found myself with unexpected time tonight, and was thinking about this subject in the shower this morning and it turned into a post. And it’s good that I’m finally posting, since I am very very far behind on my goal of two posts a month. Um. Sorry about that. School sort of swallowed me again, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get much better. But anyway, back to the post.

In part this post is a prelude for what’s to come this year, because I am actually going to a fan convention! My boyfriend and several other friends and I will be attending the Denver Comic Con in June, which of course means that I will be cosplaying. There are several other events coming up which I will, or may, or may not, attend which will also involve costumes of some sort, and so I’m putting up a legitimate list this year. Hopefully, I will stick to it.

The costumes:

Steampunk fashion show – Our library district is holding a steampunk fashion show in June this year and I’m a little bit fascinated by the aesthetic elements. This costume would be very simple for me and pretty easy to put together (likely a vest-skirt-blouse ensemble), and I can definitely reuse the costume.

Starfleet Uniform – Long have I yearned to be a Starfleet officer myself, and long have I yearned to make the uniform dresses from Star Trek: The Original Series. This is a costume I will definitely do, because it should be relatively simple (admittedly, I’m not going for 100% exact accuracy here) and I can wear it to other events besides Comic Con. Also, the pattern I plan to use for it can be recycled for an outfit further down the list…

Trisha Elric – A costume that I may or may not do, but probably will. This will be for Comic Con as well and should be good for the weather. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while, again because it is simple and easy, and I can use my real hair, which is always a plus.

Belle – Yet another costume I can use my real hair with! Belle is almost certainly my favorite Disney princess, I suppose because I can relate to her and I’m a bit like her. This costume should also be relatively simple, and also comfortable in the June weather. I haven’t quite made up my mind whether or not to do it, mostly because I might recycle one of my other costumes for a day of Comic Con, but we’ll see.

Sailor Jupiter – Frankly, this isn’t likely to happen this year. While I can use my own hair for the costume and it would be good for June, I’m not sure I want to tackle a fuku for Comic Con, since I only have about 5 weeks between when school gets out and the convention starts. I have wanted to do her for a while since Sailor Moon holds a lot of nostalgia for me, but if I’m already sewing two other costumes the chances of doing this one to my standards are pretty slim.

Brave – Do you ever have those moments where crazy ideas come to you in the shower? That seems to happen to me a lot, and this idea was one of those moments. It came out of nowhere. If I do do this (and I very likely won’t) I’ll use this pattern from Butterick (view B), with the blue-green/teal color in satin (maybe with a print) on top and a cream/off white satin (maybe) on the bottom, with gold trim for the belt. And I wouldn’t bother with a wig. And then I would wear it like the Pixar nerd I am to the movie when I went to see it.

ABBA outfit – Absolutely happening this year. My friends and I have made a tradition of going to the ABBA tribute concert every summer at Red Rocks and this year I am determined to dress up (and hope the others will too as they say). I plan to use the same pattern I’m using for my Starfleet uniform to make an awesome green minidress, and I’m going to see if I can’t find some inexpensive go go boots to wear with it.

The Avengers – We’ll see. If I do it, it will be ridiculous and I’ll throw accuracy out the window, but my friends and I plan to go the midnight opening and someone suggested we go in costume. What I’ll be costumed as…we’ll see.

The Hobbit – Depending on how motivated I feel and how broke I am, I would like to make a costume to wear to the midnight premiere. I’ve always liked the costuming in the LOTR movies and medieval/Renaissance fashion is, in a way, my bread and butter, so I would probably make a bodice, chemise, and skirt and go as a hobbit.


  1. Woah, full stop, there's a COMIC CON IN DENVER???!?!?!?!?!?!!?! What!?!??! /WHEN?!?!?! Anyway, I love reading your posts because although they may be few in number the quality is always absolutely top notch.

    I admire your cosplay ambitions (sort of funny how the autocorrect on my computer turns "cosplay" into "costly") and if there's anyone that can pull them off, it's you my friend. I especially can't wait to see the steampunk and the Brave costumes. As always, if you should care for it my basement is always open as a hub for summer sewing as it was last year (and you really should come over to try the embroidery attachment, it is soooooooo cool and you can embroider your own designs as well - this is going to figure largely into my steampunk costume I think... Also...oooh I'm so excited about the steampunk thing at the library you have no idea! I've been working on compiling a list of things that I shall need to make certain accessories - like goggles for example! I propose a day where the two of us venture out into the consignment stores and flea markets to find super cheap old clocks and other items to repurpose into the costumes.

    One last thing...we need to Skype when you have time, because I miss you SO MUCH and it's been far too long since I've seen you last.

  2. I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?! My boyfriend found it and now he, his roommate, and our photographer friend and I are going. You should too! It's June...14/15/16 I believe?

    I'm really looking forward to the steampunk costume, I have a pattern for a period mermaid-ish skirt with a slight train and it takes less than four yards of fabric. And I have a pattern for vests too!, we'll see how much time and money I have. That sounds like an excellent plan! And you desperately need to try my new Singer, it is absolutely fabulous. I am excited as well! One day we need to go to the Brass Armadillo together - it is a wondrous place perfect for our purposes.

    Yes! I have been thinking about it all the time. I'm free all weekend, tell me when things work for you!

  3. OH YES YES YES I MOST CERTAINLY WANT TO GO!!! I wouldn't be a weight would I?

    Yess Brass Armadillo sounds good...

    I'm free from noon to about 5 on saturday, then am at Starfest on Sunday...but friday night I'm free as well. Not to mention I HAVE to see you in person because I have your birthday present wrapped up all nice and shiny and have to give it to you!

  4. I don't think so! Although I will have to ask because we are staying at his house, so that might be a problem.

    Indeed...if only it were closer.

    How about Saturday afternoon then? I wish I had yours too! It was supposed to get here today or tomorrow, but no luck so far.
