Friday, February 17, 2012

New Year's Resolution

I am a terrible, negligent, lazy blogger. I know this. You know this. I haven’t posted in more than six months. It’s pathetic. I could tell you that I was swallowed by college, that I actually turned into a semi-decent student, or any number of other excuses. The truth is, I simply haven’t prioritized this blog like I should have, and that is a problem.

However, I have a solution! I’ve made a (very belated) new year’s resolution. Normally I don’t believe in these things. I think they’re silly and mostly unrealistic, and that if you’re serious about something then you should start it when you get the idea. Don’t make excuses by waiting for the calendar. But this year, I actually had a good idea: I should make my blog a priority and try to post twice a month, every month. Once a week is never going to happen, and once a month doesn’t make much of a change. Of course, it’s February now and I’m already two posts behind, so I’m going to try to squeeze January into this month’s quota. We’ll see how that works out.

If I may make an excuse, I do think that part of my problem with posting is that I’m a perfectionist and have too many quality standards for myself. I get half a post written and it’s a page long, and then…I don’t finish it. Or I get an idea and do lots of research but…I want the post to be special and really good, and long too. From now on, I’m going to try to post more frequently even if that means what I write is slightly sillier and less informational…and mostly shorter.

If you’re wondering, I do make a lot of plans for posts. I’ve been meaning to write a political one about SOPA and ACTA since October, and even though the results are mostly in I probably still will. I may write more about costuming/sewing, or events I go to, and there will probably be a lot more reviews. As long as I’m putting things up.

There’s not much else to say, except, um, Happy New Year?


  1. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! I'm so happy that you've finally updated this!!!! Great resolution! And don't worry about being behind, I'm 5 weeks behind on my 52 tropes project...

  2. I know! Now I just need to KEEP updating. 5 weeks isn't too bad...
