Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Reading

Summer is a lovely time of year featuring warm, sunny days, riots of flowers, crowded swimming pools, ice cream, drive-in movies, and happy nostalgia. For the average student, it means time to yourself again. Almost three months for whatever pursuits you like! In my case, it means finally getting a chance to read for myself again. This year I’ve actually made a list of the books I would really like to get through in my short bout of freedom, though there will probably be plenty of others. Some of the books here actually have a purpose behind reading them, but most do not.

Science Fiction and Fantasy
Dr. Franklin’s Island – I read it many years ago, and feel that I should reread it, since I recall it being good. I’d also like to read more science fiction this summer, and it fits right in with that.
Earthseed – A find in a used book store, it sounded interesting and like the above, fits in with wanting to read more science fiction. It’s also an interesting premise, and a sequel was recently published.
The Mists of Avalon – I remember watching the miniseries/movie on TV as a child, and always wanted to read the book. My parents gave it to me for Christmas over a year ago, and I’ve been working on it in little bits since. I’d like to actually finish it.
Howl’s Moving Castle – Just watched the movie again with several friends, so now I have an overwhelming urge to reread the book. I don’t think I’ll resist.

1984 – This has been on my list of books to read since we read Animal Farm in eighth grade and I saw it advertised in the back as “negative utopia.” Those words hooked me, and then I got a copy at the library book sale. Then Anila read it and noticed similarities to the movie version of V for Vendetta – so now I’m going to read them together.
The Handmaid’s Tale – Ever since Anila read it and forwarded her awesome AP Literature project on it to me, I have wanted to read this book. I finally broke down and ordered it from Barnes and Noble, and now I really, really can’t wait. A dystopia where women are oppressed? It should be a fascinating read.
V for Vendetta – I love the movie. I don’t know how it compares to the book, but since I watched it I’ve wanted to read it. I read Watchmen last summer, also by Alan Moore, and was blown away. Combine that with 40% off at Sold.
Brave New World – I read it last summer for school, and enjoyed it much more than expected. Now that I know a bit more about dystopias and will be reading several at least this summer, I’d like to revisit it and see if the experience, and what I get out of it, is any different.

The Orange Blossom Special – When I first saw this book on my mother’s shelf, the name rather interested me. I read the summary on the back and found out it took place in Florida, where I was born, and decided to read it sometime. Years later, I decided it was time. Unfortunately, school caught up with me and I had to stop for a while, so now I’d like to finish it.
There’s a (Slight) Chance I Might Be Going to Hell – Oh, come on, with a title like that? Is there any question? That, and it seemed that a fish-out-of-water tale with a little humor would be good. And I need something fluffy to offset the dystopias, much as I love them.
Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover - I really enjoy this series, for sheer entertainment value. I seem to read one about every eight months or so, so I guess I'm due.

For Review Purposes
The Realms of the Gods – First, I love Tamora Pierce. Second, I love this quartet. Third, I’d like to pit Daine and Bella Swan against each other to illustrate character development and Mary Sues (hopefully coming in July).
Twilight – Because this “saga” so richly deserves a new opinion from me, after I do an intelligent reread. And I’d like to do a case study of Bella Swan as a Mary Sue.
New Moon – See above.
Eclipse – I’m a glutton for punishment.
Breaking Dawn – So I can laugh. And point out the stupidity to Twilight fans when I go the premiere in my Hogwarts robes.

Gone With the Wind – How many times have I started this book and gotten halfway through? No more! I only have a few hundred pages left and I am finishing it, dammit!
The Art of War – I’ve wanted to read it for quite some time and picked up a very cheap copy at Target (imagine that). I think it could be useful for college.
A Tale of Two Cities – Another that I’ve wanted to read for some time, and I’m supposed to read it for book club anyway.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog – It’s been maybe a year since I read it, but I would really like to read it again. This is one of those books you have to read a few times to understand, and I don’t think I gave it justice last time.
The Shadow of the Wind – Ah, this book. A long time ago before I was in the book club, they read it and I started it because it sounded interesting. Two things stuck out to me: I had never read anything close to it, and the translator is a god. When I mention it to my mother, it produces rave reviews. I think it’s time to read it properly.
Russian Winter – My mother tells me it’s precisely my type of book, and she adored it. It’s about a Russian ballerina. Are we even asking why?

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